Coworking 2.0: The Dawn Of The "Creative Centre"
When the doors shut on all businesses - when we were told that shaking hands, conversations by the water cooler and office flings were a thing of the past - we thought Coworking was dead.
The end of a trend.
A nosediving fad to which WeWork’s fall from the precipice was an industry precursor.
As if the concept that you could thoroughly enjoy your place of work was fantasy we’d lived in for too long.
And the Bore-demic was the devil taking his pound of flesh for our Faustian Pact.
Simply: We. Don’t. Work. Anymore.
During the height of the hysteria, the home office looked like it may endure forever.
Forced, but workable.
Colleagues Zooming in like the Brady Bunch.
But our families, housemates and pets are not our Coworkers.
For those who have tasted the freedom of working independently of location - of existing, earning and entertaining nomadically in the prime (or twighlight) of life - these terms and conditions for work/life balance are unacceptable.
Perhaps for the next generation of workers, it will just be the New Normal.
Indoctrinated into Techno-Fascist Modes of Production, AI management protocols and Homo Deus Overlordship, self-imprisonment (AKA working from home in Lockdown) will be tolerable.
Favourable, at least, to the Gulags of the Useless Class.
While this dystopian future marches itself into reality, with every solution we throw only cementing its inevitability, we do still have a chance to save ourselves from ourselves.
A chance to live in a world where work and play blur into indistinguishability.
A chance.
A slim one, but a chance nonetheless.
There’s only one way, one last gasp, one final Hail Mary opportunity to survive, prevent and thrive in a post-capitalist, post-apocolyptic, pre-civilization society.
Working together.
Literally, Co-working.
But woe to us if we let it remerge in the self-congratulatory, virtue-signalling, dropshipping cirlce-jerk of yesteryear.
We get what we deserve, if we allow the resurgence of atomised individuals, solo-entrepreneurs and scammers retake the throne.
The dramatists who’s main currency is followers, who’s Key Performance Indicators are buzzwords and who’s underlying ability is “lying to oneself“.
It’s time the Co-operative implication of Co-working came to the forefront of the industry.
It’s time to recognise the Dawn of the Creative Centre.
The 3-Dimensional extension of the Coworking game.
Where the process of conceptualising, crafting and producing a tangible creative project is the initial raison d'etre.
Where the productive space to hustle is value added.
Where the usefulness in a membership is in the opportunity to hang out, learn from and work with other creators.
A place where content creators are encouraged not to copy and paste, but become modern day artists themselves.
For creatives of all stripes to rub shoulders, bump heads and get on with doing their thing, together.
An arena to create, collaborate and exhibit.
A playground for novel ideas and thoughts.
A centre for aiding, abetting and facilitating creative projects.
A bridge between dreams and reality.
A battering ram against the obstacles that make the impossible possible, and gets them done.
A solution to the missing piece in the puzzle.
A Hub for Creators, right here in Canggu.
If there’s one thing that the world is lacking right now, it’s imagination.
And there has never been a more important time for individual and collective imaginations to be bold, boundless and brave.
Now the doors are open again, our future will be in the hands of those who pick up the tools first.
We have a Community to Rebuild.
We are looking for carpenters, craftsmen and craftswomen who fancy constructing the foundations to create upon.
People who share a vision of what is possible.
People who’s mission is to make it so.
Here’s an open invitation to the creatives still standing.
Everyone from the die hards to the lackadaisical.
The half-hearted, the full-blooded.
A community all sharing in the guidance of the Creative Spirit.
The driving force of new.
Respectful of the ancient.
Living in the now.
Whatever the medium, whatever the style - we recognise, respect and appreciate you.
If you’re receiving this message, it is not by accident.
The matrix may be ripping at the seams, but there’s still an infinite rabbit hole to explore before we get to the truth.
Will you join us?