Nova Hissy's Art In Virtual Reality: A Nymph's Utopia
Since the dawn of consciousness, humans have been limited in our ability to express our understanding of reality by the 2-Dimensional canvasses at our disposal.
This ability has progressed little since the explosion of Cave Art, the first expressive stamp of self-awareness on rocky walls.
Until now.
When our friends at White Rabbit VR invited our Resident Artist to enter Virtual Reality and use the Tilt Brush program, we were all excited.
Nova Hissy’s eyes lit up.
Nova is an artist in everything she does.
From abstract painting to architectural drawing. Graphic design to the precision of her poetry.
Her fingertips are so full of magic, she makes the Touch of Midas look clumsy.
Cack-handed, even.
Nova is without question a prized creative talent in the material world, but was still a virgin in the virtual realm of creation.
Undaunted, our little artist was to become a creative-psychonaut in an experience few had traversed before.
Jettisoned into an alternate reality to carve out her cosmic wisdom in another dimension.
The process itself would shatter her perception of what is possible.
Bend her concept of reality.
Blur the distinction between herself and The Creator.
Test the very notion of Art itself.
Like earthly handlers, we were powerless, mere mortal observers, to an artistic angel’s personal Space Odyssey.
“Ground Control to Major Hissy, Take Your Paintbrush And May Gods Love Be With You.”
What she created was not just out of this world.
Her adventure is proof that even the ‘unreal’ is truth.
This short film is the cosmic result of sending an Artist into another dimension.
Art In Reality: A Nymph’s Utopia
Special thanks to Editor Abimba Narasatriangga.
Impossible without the imagination of White Rabbit VR.