Art? Fine... | The Insecurity That Comes With Creating

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Start creating. Start inspiring. START MAKING ART. 

What does it mean to create art? 

Intimidating isn’t it? That question. 

I guess to most people this idea depicts the image of legends like Picasso or Van Gogh - striving through sleepless nights, passionately brushing strokes of paint on to a canvas to compose masterpieces like ‘The Starry Night’ or 'The Weeping Woman'; you may also think of others like Michelangelo or Donatello (the sculpturists, not the Ninja-Turtles). 




I know that these are probably the most basic examples of 'artists', but let's be real, the majority of us laypeople probably aren’t even familiar with much more than that. 

However, I think there is this general misconceived notion which claims that only artists can create true art.

But what about the rest of us? 

Like the toddler that scribbles with crayons on the walls, or the low-graded art students who think they’re not deserving of the title ‘artist’


Are the things we create then, not considered art?

If so, should this then discourage you from creating? 


If it does discourage you, you have fallen into a trapdoor of possessing too many personal expectations. Maybe it’s because you put them there, or maybe it's because the rest of the world told you to and you started to believe it. 


The truth is, art is meant to give you freedom. 

The toddler doesn’t ponder much. It merely creates by instinct. There is a very important lesson to be learned from this. Call it a ‘secret ingredient’.

It is that art requires a sense of childishness and blissful ignorance for you to be able to craft your world the way you want it to be. 

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up."

-Pablo Picasso 

I mean, it's only Picasso's most famous quote ever - so it must mean something, right?


Every single one of us should invest in creating. It's not a want, its a need and essential to our spiritual and mental well-being.

Money feeds the body.

Knowledge feeds the mind.

Art feeds the soul. 

However, say this to people who aren’t in their everyday nature considered 'creators' and one can expect an answer like: 

"Ooh, I could never do that! Like honestly, I can’t even draw a STICK FIGURE!"

First of all, learning to master human anatomy could take years, so don’t take it too personally if your abilities are limited to crooked circles and straight lines.

Art is NOT just limited to paintings and drawings. 

Crafting, sewing, cooking, dancing, writing, photography (just to name a few) are all different, but equally relevant manifestations of art. 

It doesn't need to be anything challenging: can’t do a sculpture (yet)? Play with play-dough.

Can’t paint (yet)? Test out colour swatches, and you know what?

If it brings you bliss then, by all means, draw stick figures. These alternative suggestions may sound childish, but, trace back to the core of the action, and it’s art.

Once more, let’s not forget that art is meant to awaken the inner child within us.


Whether you're crafting full-bodied sculptures or miniature play-dough figures; the difference is only a question of medium and skills. 

Besides, any idea, no matter how big or small, has to start somewhere. 

It doesn't matter how complex or simple. How detailed or plain. Or how good or bad it looks. In the end, create art for you. Not for your job. Not for your family. Not even for your Instagram followers. 


You can share the final piece with whomever you please, but ensure that the creative process is for you and YOU ONLY.


Start making art purely for the sake of making art and not for the attempt of creating a masterpiece.

Don’t put your self up to anyone's standards nor expectations - not even your own.

With that said…

Start creating. Start inspiring. START MAKING ART. 


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